One symptom you may not be too happy about is unwanted weight gain. I asked you in a previous post to work on your mind-body connection. To pay attention to how you feel before, during and after you eat. Your body is smart and it is a good idea to get in-tune with it. Many people eat out of habit, instead of really learning and knowing the type and amount of food their body requires.
Now that you are in perimenopause, you need to change your eating patterns and habits if they are not working for you anymore.
Today I will tell you one of my secrets on how to
Our food is so full of chemicals and additives. What do you think those are doing inside of of you? What does your body do with all the chemicals you are putting into it? The additives, colorings, etc that are in packaged foods, fast foods and various drinks are not recognized by our body. They are not food so our body cannot utilize them.
Q. It if cannot use them, what does it do with them?
A. Most likely our body stores them in fat
The toxins and chemicals get stored in liquid (water retention) and tissue (our fat). The more chemicals you take in, the more fat and liquid your body needs to store them in. Especially if they are not being properly eliminated from your body. If your digestion is not working that well then you are not getting rid of many toxins and chemicals. The more chemicals you take in, the more fat your body needs to store the waste. Think of it as toxic waste - YUCK!
My challenge to you is to read ALL food and drink labels. When you are shopping for foods - read the labels. If you are buying produce - try to buy organic and definiately non-GMO (non-genetically modified). Even look at organic canned foods. They may be grown organic but when they are packaged, preservatives, chemicals, colorings, etc are added to them.
My body is very sensitive to preservatives, chemicals and colorings contained in food, drinks, candy, etc. I get bad headaches, my muscles tense up and I have flu symptoms. So I can tell if a restaurant has has put them in/on their food or used boughten sauces with preservatives in them. I have to ask and tell them I have an allergy and then they let me know if what they are serving has additives in it. Most cases - yes it does. Especially big chain restaurants.
I am also sensitive to dairy and wheat. I usually stay away from anything with gluten in it.
Many women going through perimenopause and menopause develop sensitivities to wheat and dairy. The symptoms may not be dramatic but once you learn to pay attention to how you feel after you eat, you will become aware of what agrees with you and what does not.
I haven't always been this sensitive...but then again, the food that was available was not as full as the "junk" that is is now either.
Wheat and dairy are NOT what they used to be.
When you are reading labels, if you notice your favorite foods or drinks contain chemical preservatives - don't eat or drink them. Will this be hard? Probably, but think of this. Would you drink Mr Clean? Would you add it to your salad? No! That may be extreme but some of the things added to foods and drinks are not that far off the hazardos chemicals we use to clean with.
When I became aware that it was the chemicals and preservatives that were giving me the whopping headaches and horrible symptoms, I stayed away from them. Pain is a great teacher.
What a difference!! No water retention, no puffiness, headaches, sinus problems and most of all - NO EXTRA FAT AROUND MY WASTE!
If you are wondering how you can tell what the preservatives are on a label you are reading. GOOGLE IT. Google the words you don't know (the chemical names). Be careful to notice if the site you are led to is the company that produces the preservative. They will tell you it is fine. Look at the source. You are what you eat and if you are trying to lose weight or maintain the weight you are now, then you MUST be aware of what you are eating.
It is not just how much but "what". I can eat a lot of veggies and fruit and be fine but I know that "light" or "diet" salad dressings, crackers, cookies, etc. contain "empty" calories, "junk" that is not food. No sugar added products could have chemical sweeteners, fillers, preservatives, additives, colorings. They are NOT real food and most of all NOT good for you at all!
They will NOT supply the body with any nutrition - so why eat them? Why treat your body like a toxic waste dumping ground!
They will not satisfy your hunger for long. They may even cause cravings. Because they are not FOOD your body can use so your body is still starving for nutrients. It wants food - so you will feel hungry. If you body does not receive the proper nutrition it needs to function, you will not be provided with energy, your metabolism will slow down and you will compromise your immune system.
Begin to read labels. You will be absolutely SHOCKED!!
I'd love to hear your comments and any questions you may have.