Thursday, November 5, 2009


In my last blog post I spoke about emotions and symptoms. Which comes first, the emotion or the symptom? Can a certain emotion cause a certain symptom? Can a symptom bring on an emotion?

Both are true and I am sure all of you have experienced this.

Dr Christiane Northrup in her book "The Wisdom of Menopause" devotes a chapter in her book on this. She speaks a lot about how emotions/thoughts/feelings affect our physical body throughout her whole book. This is a book I really recommend reading.

She states:
"Depression, in turn, is a very well documented independent risk factor for heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Emotional turmoil affects the brain and all its functions. Continuing in the same upsetting situation virtually guarantees that a woman's hormones stay unbalanced. The longer she allows negative situations to persist, the more out of whack her hormones will become, and the more physically uncomfortable she will feel."

You may have heard of the "Type C" personality, the one more susceptable to cancer. So watch what you think, what are your thoughts and feelings. With hormones out of balance you can feel a little depressed and if you don't deal with it when it arrives, it could keep getting worse and before you know it you are getting some very uncomfortable physical symptoms.

With so much change going on at this stage of our life, we must check-in with ourselves. Check in to how we are feeling, how our body is feeling. If there is something that is not right, then find out what it is, how you can deal with it. Do some research. You are important and your health is extremely important. What do you want your future to look like? Think about it - seriously.

Christiane goes on to say:
"Your emotions, desires, and dreams are your inner guidance system. Understanding how your thoughts and your emotions affect every single hormone and cell in your body, and knowing how to change them in a way that is health-enhancing, gives you access to the most powerful and empowering health-creating secret on earth.

....when all is said and done it is your attitude, your beliefs, and your daily thought patterns that have the most profound effect on your health. Attitudes and beliefs also influence how well your food is digested and how effective your exercise is."

Maybe in the past you have not taken time to check-in with yourself or have not take care of you. You may have been busy raising your family and putting yourself last. Now your kids are older and you have time. It is now your time. Things may start coming up that you haven't had time to deal with before. Thoughts, dreams and wishes that in the past you pushed away because you didn't have time to deal with them. Now these are surfacing and it is time for you to deal with them.

Maybe you have felt like you have lost yourself along the way and now with this extra time to think you are realizing that maybe your life needs to change. It is time to change your lifestyle. What worked before is not working any more. Your body is changing and your inner self is changing. If you are not good at dealing with change, this can be a bit overwhelming.

Luckily there are so many resources out there. Just walk into Chapters and let your intuition guide you to a section of the book store that has books you need to read that can help. What questions and/or concerns are coming up? What do you need to learn? What do you know and what do you not know? Are you happy with your career? Your relationships? Your body? Your health?

Big questions and there are no easy answers. This is a journey. It can be a fun and exciting journey - but then again - I love change.....

I'll talk more about this in my next post. Take time to reflect and don't be scared of asking yourself the big questions. You don't need to know all the answers.

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