Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So far I have spoken about many physical aspects of Perimenopause. I now want to mention the emotional or mental aspects of Perimenopause.

Perimenopause is a phase of life where changes occur on a physical, emotional, spiritual and mental level. Coud this be part of a mid-life crisis? I hate to consider this age mid-life and I don't even like talking about it in that way. But people tend to when they don't know how else to explain it.

In our 40's and even late 30's, we look at our life and begin to analyze it.
Are we where we thought we would be at this time?

Emotional things that we may have suppressed or avoided begin to surface. Life may be telling us that it is time to work through those issues. It is time to know who we really are; to become our authentic self.

Many women lose the sense of who they really are. You are busy taking care of your family and tend to put yourself last because that is what your mother did, your grndmother did, etc. Especially if you have had to work full time while raising kids and staying married. Yikes! That takes so much energy!!

Many women during Perimenopause are not sure how to deal with this and feel overwhelmed. Antidepressants may seem like the only answer or a good one at the time. I want you to know that there are many things that you can do and a few resources are listed below.

I have been going through this since my early 30's. It never really ends....but it gets better.

I found a few resources and have listed them below. They have really helped. They focus on releasing emotionas, releasing blocks, not dwelling on them. No psycho-therapy here.

Byron Katie and "The Work"
Who are you without your story? She was once severely depressed. She developed questions and a technique tha pulled her out of it.

The Sedona Method
A technique, which at first, seems a little odd and almost too simple. It took me a while to really believe in this. I find it isreally good to combine "The Work" and the "Sedona Method".

"Excuses Begone!" by Dr Wayne Dyer
He is my self-help guru. I absolutely love him!! His new book is "Excuses Begone!" and I loved the way he explains it. He borrows "The Work" and adds more of his brilliance to come up with his method of releasing. This is really good.

"The Work" has worksheets and gives out a lot of free information. You can start your work now.

A FABULOUS BOOK called "How Did I Get Here" by Barbara De Angelis isSO FANTASTIC!! At least is was DEAD ON FOR ME. It expressed exactly what I was feeling and going through at the time I read it. It is a older book but I'm sure you can buy it online or at a used book store (that is where I found it). It appears as if Barbara wrote this book when she was going through Perimenopause. It doesn't mention Perimenopause but it deals with the emotional shift and change that we feel on the inside. When ou inside world changes, we must change out outside world. Very interesting and an entertaining read.

So take a trip to Chapters or your nearest book store and look through these books and others. Everyone is different and what works for one person, may not work for another.

When I go to a bookstore, I clear my head, relax and just know that the right book will find me. It always does. Don't have too many expectations. Be open and have faith that you will find the book that has exactly what you need at this time in it.

Gook luck and let me know what books you have read that have worked for you or that you feel other women would enjoy reading.

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