I am going to share with you a rememdy for hot flashes that really works!! If you are going through Perimenopause, Menopause or are Post-Menopausal and are having hot flashes, there is something you can do that will really help to control them. It is all natural and great for your physical and emotional health. It even helps you lose weight!
I have heard others mention this remedy and I can tell you, from personal experience, that it really works. It works for me everytime.
When I stop doing it, the hot flashes return. When I start doing it again, the hot flashes go away, or do not occur as often.
What remedy am I speaking about?
Cardiovascular activity. That is right - doing cardio.
You may have been hoping for a pill or something else but this is what works and it benefits you in so many other ways also.
Cardiovascular activity helps decrease high blood pressure, high blood sugar, helps you lose weight, decreases stress, makes your heart and lungs stronger, helps make you stronger and is good for your skin.
I have always been active but have had periods of time when I was injured or on a holiday and didn't do my cardio. That is when I had more hot flashes. As soon as I got back to doing cardio again, the hot flashes would go away. I have read this as I was doing my research on perimenopause and it is proven to help.
My friends agree that this makes a difference for them as well. For me the intensity of the cardio also makes a difference. Each woman has a different fitness level so each woman will be different as to what intensity of cardio works for them.
If I do not do cardio at least 3 x a week I notice I have more hot flashes. For myself, walking isn't much of a cardio workout but for some it is. If I do a power walk and go up and down some hills, if I do the stairs, cardio on gym equipment or ride my bike, my hot flashes decrease.
I realize that you may not have time every week to do some intense or long cardio sessions, but please make time for some cardio each day. Walk during lunch, breaks and right after work (before you go home if you can, then it is done).
Do the stairs, which is a high intensity workout and really works for zapping hot flashes. Just pick a few flights and do those over and over. A workout to try: go up each step 2 x, then every 2nd step 2x, then sideways (once right foot first, 2nd time left foot first), then run up and down the flights, etc. There are numerous options. Play around with it. Challenge yourself each time and watch how you improve!
If you already work out and do cardio and are having quite severe hot flashes then maybe you need to bump up your cardio a notch. Do it for longer, or shorter but more intensly, or do it more times per week. See what works for you. (There are also some great natural products out there that help with hot flashes)
Stress brings on hot flashes. Cardio exercise helps to eleviate stress. Try some deep relaxing breathing also which helps. Combining yoga and cardio sessions during the week would be perfect!
Let me know what works or doesn't work for you. I am sure there are many women going through perimenopause or menopause and would love to here what works for others to get rid of hot flashes.
Time to get moving!
thank you very for this
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This is so true! During the nice weather, when I cycle outside...NO hot flashes whatsoever. Haven't been on the bike for a month, and the flashes started right back up again. This happens every year.